When to cry over spilt milk
On the drive home from Washington last Monday Joshua was sleeping and I was trying to do the same (don’t worry, I wasn’t driving). I woke up when Joshua started to cry for no apparent reason – sometimes he just doesn’t want to be strapped down. Amanda suggested I give him his milk to try and calm him back to sleep. This particular sippy cup had a plastic cap that I had to take off but for some reason I was having some trouble. I tried pulling and was trying to hurry because Joshua wasn’t calming down. So I tried twisting…I recommend NOT twisting. The entire cap started coming off spilling milk onto my seat. I had to take my blanket that was keeping me nice and warm and use it to wipe up the milk. This was after it soaked into my pants leaving me uncomfortably chilly. On top of that, I couldn’t find my sandwich, and Joshua didn’t even really want the milk. Oh yeah… and Amanda was laughing at me. I was still wet an hour later when we switched drivers at the rest stop.
Talk about a reason to cry over spilt milk.