Thursday, September 07, 2006

post 22

22 is my lucky number. But this will not be a happy post. Yesterday I heard some pretty terrible news. On September 4th, 2006, Steve Irwin (the Crocodile Hunter) died after having a stingray stab him in the heart. Amanda told me over the phone asking if I had heard. I am still hoping that he just wanted to retire and it is all an elaborate ruse, but I think that is highly unlikely. He said that what he wants to be remembered for most is passion and enthusiasm towards conservation. Steve will be remembered for both those things, because he did not lack in either. I never got a chance to meet the bloke, but perhaps some day I will be able to go and visit the Australia Zoo and see the legacy that he left for many generations. To those that did not know about Steve’s passing, I am sorry that you had to find out from reading this. Perhaps next time I post I will have something nice to write about.



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